Usage reports
The sidebar menu lists additional views including License Management, Course Usage, Account Usage, and an exportable Learner History.
License Management
Limit by Account: This report shows data for all accounts with a Limit Type of Limit by Account.
Limit by Content: This report shows data for all accounts with a Limit Type of Limit by Content.
Course Usage
Overview: This report shows Learner and Account counts for all courses. Pick your date range to see an overall course usage report. This report helps answer questions like:
Which courses are the most popular?
How many accounts has a course been shared with?
Do I have any courses no one is using?
By Account: This report shows how a particular course is being used across all accounts. Pick the course from the drop-down and pick a date range to see course usage by account. This report helps answer questions like:
What are the top accounts that have ever used a course?
What are the top accounts with active learners using a course?
Account Usage
Overview: This report shows how a specific account is using the courses shared with it. Pick the account name from the drop-down and specify a date range to see account usage. The Account Usage report helps answer questions like:
Which courses are being used the most by this account?
Which courses are being used the least by this account?
You can generate 3 types of downloadable reports as a CSV:
Learner History: all data about any learner that has ever taken a course (minus interaction data).
Registration History: all registration data (completion, satisfaction, score, duration)
Interaction History: all the data collected for every interaction learners have with courses
When the report has been generated, you can find it in the Shared section.
Last updated