Learner reports

Learner reports

Learner reports provide details on how learners interacted with a particular course from a specific account.

To access Learner reports:

  1. Select Reports located at the top right

  2. Select Learner in the navigation

  3. Select the account from the Select Account drop-down, then select one or more courses from the Select Course drop-down

Types of results

  • Completion: percentage of learners who have completed vs. not completed the course

  • Satisfaction: percentage of learners who have passed vs. failed the course

  • Time vs. Score: relationship of total time spent taking the course to the scores


  • Average score: average score of learners who have completed the course

  • Average time: the average time it took for learners to complete the course


Displays the total number of learners who have launched the course and course data, including:

  • Learner ID, First name, Last name, Completion, Satisfaction, Score, Total time

You can configure and customize which fields display using the sandwich menu on the right.

How to change Learner Report columns

By default, the Learner Report table includes columns for completion, success, duration, and score. You can add or remove columns from the table by clicking on the hamburger button in the upper-right corner of the table.

  • Clicking on an item with an X next to it will add that column to the table.

  • Clicking on an item with a checkmark next to it will remove that column from the table.

How to save Learner Report columns as a template

  • After you've changed the Learner Report columns, navigate to the button directly above the hamburger menu.

  • A dropdown will appear. Select Save Template.

  • Select Load Template to apply a template you've already saved.

Last updated